Bee   Propolis   Brasil   is   committed   to   the   economic   development   of   the   region   and   to   the   professional growth of people, offering training and employment opportunities in several areas. Partnerships with educational institutions. The    Company    welcomes    up    to    20    students    yearly,    extensionists    and    trainees,    from    technical    and advanced degrees of Food Technologies, Pharmacist, Production Engineering and Quality Control. Students perform research work, investigation and interviews, academic works and articles. Technical   visits   are   also   allowed,   which   contributes   to   the   training   of   future   professionals   and   opens   the doors to their first professional experience, with real hiring opportunity. We   keep   strong   commitments   with   educational   institutions   such   as   schools,   technical   schools,   institutes and universities, specially from Minas Gerais Midwest Region. Training and capacity building Our collaborators are all the time empowered by internal and external training programs. We offer the best conditions to promote team's health and welfare. Occupational safety Company   strictly   performs   all   safety,   hygiene   and   occupational   medicine   actions   foreseen   to   its   industry, with   the   assistance   of   external   consultants   in   PPRA   (Environmental   Risk   Prevention   Program)   and   PCMSO (Medical Control and Occupational Health Program) We   also   perform   occupational   accident   control   through   the   CIPA   (Internal   Commission   for   Accidents Prevention),   as   well   as   the   Quality   Control   practices   which   assure   sanitary   conditions   and   food   safety care across all production plant. Health, comfort and welfare Bee   Propolis   Brasil   offers   its   employees   health   and   welfare   tips,   as   well   as   the   access   to   educational material on healthy eating habits. The   Company   also   encourages   physical   exercises   practising   for   disease   prevention,   oriented   by   health professionals during the SIPAT (Internal Accident Prevention Week) Apply for a job and grow with us.
Bee Propolis Brasil Ltda Rua Jair Miranda, 80 - Distrito Industrial - CEP 38900-000 - Bambuí - Minas Gerais - Brasil Sales Department: +55 (37) 3431-5570 Unidade Industrial
Bee   Propolis   Brasil   is   committed   to   the   economic   development   of the    region    and    to    the    professional    growth    of    people,    offering training and employment opportunities in several areas. Partnerships with educational institutions. The   Company   welcomes   up   to   20   students   yearly,   extensionists   and trainees,     from     technical     and     advanced     degrees     of     Food Technologies,     Pharmacist,     Production     Engineering     and     Quality Control. Students    perform    research    work,    investigation    and    interviews, academic works and articles. Technical   visits   are   also   allowed,   which   contributes   to   the   training of     future     professionals     and     opens     the     doors     to     their     first professional experience, with real hiring opportunity. We   keep   strong   commitments   with   educational   institutions   such   as schools,   technical   schools,   institutes   and   universities,   specially   from Minas Gerais Midwest Region. Training and capacity building Our    collaborators    are    all    the    time    empowered    by    internal    and external training programs. We offer the best conditions to promote team's health and welfare. Occupational safety Company    strictly    performs    all    safety,    hygiene    and    occupational medicine   actions   foreseen   to   its   industry,   with   the   assistance   of external     consultants     in     PPRA     (Environmental     Risk     Prevention Program)    and    PCMSO    (Medical    Control    and    Occupational    Health Program) We   also   perform   occupational   accident   control   through   the   CIPA (Internal    Commission    for    Accidents    Prevention),    as    well    as    the Quality   Control   practices   which   assure   sanitary   conditions   and   food safety care across all production plant. Health, comfort and welfare Bee   Propolis   Brasil   offers   its   employees   health   and   welfare   tips,   as well as the access to educational material on healthy eating habits. The    Company    also    encourages    physical    exercises    practising    for disease    prevention,    oriented    by    health    professionals    during    the SIPAT (Internal Accident Prevention Week) Apply for a job and grow with us.
Bee Propolis Brasil Ltda Rua Jair Miranda, 80 - Distrito Industrial - CEP 38900-000 - Bambuí - Minas Gerais - Brasil Atendimento: +55 (37) 3431-5550 - Departamento Comercial: +55 (37) 3431-5570 Unidade Industrial