Bee    Propolis    Brasil    is    a    specialist    manufacturer    in    the provision   of   apiculture   products,   services   and   solutions   to supply companies of all sizes and segments. The   company   is   headquartered   in   the   center   of   Brazilian ""green   propolis   production"",   in   the   city   of   Bambuí   at   the Midwest Region of Minas Gerais State. With   a   total   area   of   over   7,000   sqm,   the   Company   has approximately   2,800   sqm   of   modern   facilities   designed   to efficiently   accommodate   the   entire   production   process   as well as a continuous and strict quality control program. We   are   specialists   in   supplies   provision   and   apiculture   products   manufacture   such   as   honey   and   propolis sourced from partner suppliers, accurately selected to attend to our quality control policy. We   supply   food,   cosmetics   and   pharmaceutical   companies   in   Brazil   and   abroad   which   manufacture   or commercialize apiculture ingredients based products. We   are   constantly   adapting   to   the   market   changes,   investing   in   infrastructure,   technical   innovation, quality control and organizational processes improvement. Quality Assurance in the entire production process Bee     Propolis     Brasil     develops     standard     operating procedures   for   the   health   and   hygiene   checks   across all   production   areas,   which   are   subject   to   the   MAPA assessment,     following     the     "Self-Control     Plans", "Production Best Practices" and HACCP. Such    procedures    assure    to    the    Clients    the    total reliability,    quality    control    and    standardization    of production   process   from   the   raw-material   selection to the finished goods delivery.
Bee Propolis Brasil Ltda Rua Jair Miranda, 80 - Distrito Industrial - CEP 38900-000 - Bambu� - Minas Gerais - Brasil Sales Department: +55 (37) 3431-5570 Unidade Industrial
Bee   Propolis   Brasil   is   a   specialist   manufacturer   in   the   provision   of apiculture   products,   services   and   solutions   to   supply   companies   of all sizes and segments. The   company   is   headquartered   in   the   center   of   Brazilian   ""green propolis   production"",   in   the   city   of   Bambuí   at   the   Midwest   Region of Minas Gerais State. With     a     total     area     of     over     7,000     sqm,     the     Company     has approximately     2,800     sqm     of     modern     facilities     designed     to efficiently   accommodate   the   entire   production   process   as   well   as   a continuous and strict quality control program. We   are   specialists   in   supplies   provision   and   apiculture   products manufacture    such    as    honey    and    propolis    sourced    from    partner suppliers,    accurately    selected    to    attend    to    our    quality    control policy. We   supply   food,   cosmetics   and   pharmaceutical   companies   in   Brazil and    abroad    which    manufacture    or    commercialize    apiculture ingredients based products. We   are   constantly   adapting   to   the   market   changes,   investing   in infrastructure,      technical      innovation,      quality      control      and organizational processes improvement. Quality     Assurance     in     the     entire production process Bee    Propolis    Brasil develops     standard o   p   e   r   a   t   i   n   g     procedures   for   the health   and   hygiene checks     across     all production      areas, which    are    subject to          the          MAPA assessment,    following    the    "Self-Control    Plans",    "Production    Best Practices" and HACCP. Such   procedures   assure   to   the   Clients   the   total   reliability,   quality control   and   standardization   of   production   process   from   the   raw- material selection to the finished goods delivery.
Bee Propolis Brasil Ltda Rua Jair Miranda, 80 - Distrito Industrial - CEP 38900-000 - Bambu� - Minas Gerais - Brasil Atendimento: +55 (37) 3431-5550 - Departamento Comercial: +55 (37) 3431-5570 Unidade Industrial