Propolis   extract   obtained   from   raw   propolis   and   cereals   neutral   alcohol   at   food degree. Alcohol   is   one   of   the   most   appropriate   organic   solvents   to   extract   propolis   active substances. Raw     materials     are     all     subject     to     organoleptic,     physico-chemical     and microbiological     analysis,     attending     to     the     Clients     needs     and     the     MAPA requirements. We offer a broad propolis extract variety at different concentrations. Contact us on this product technical specification. Packs: 1 liter, 10 liter and 50 liter packs. Quality standards Processing facilities area with food safety assured by sanitary barriers and sanitation procedures. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Inspected by MAPA Productive units equipped with modern stainless steel agitators and storage tanks.
Extrato Concetrado
Bee Propolis Brasil Ltda Rua Jair Miranda, 80 - Distrito Industrial - CEP 38900-000 - Bambuí - Minas Gerais - Brasil Sales Department: +55 (37) 3431-5570 Further Information Further Information Unidade Industrial
Propolis   extract   obtained   from   raw   propolis   and   cereals   neutral alcohol at food degree. Alcohol    is    one    of    the    most    appropriate organic   solvents   to   extract   propolis active substances. Raw   materials   are   all   subject to      organoleptic,      physico- chemical                          and microbiological         analysis, attending     to     the     Clients needs        and        the        MAPA requirements. We offer a broad propolis extract variety at different concentrations. Contact us on this product technical specification. Packs: 1 liter, 10 liter and 50 liter packs. Quality standards Processing facilities area with food safety assured by sanitary barriers and sanitation procedures. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Inspected by MAPA Productive units equipped with modern stainless steel agitators and storage tanks.
Bee Propolis Brasil Ltda Rua Jair Miranda, 80 - Distrito Industrial - CEP 38900-000 - Bambuí - Minas Gerais - Brasil Atendimento: +55 (37) 3431-5550 - Departamento Comercial: +55 (37) 3431-5570 Unidade Industrial Further Information Further Information