Apiculture Solutions

Bee   Propolis   Brasil   is   a   specialist   manufacturer   in   the provision   of   apiculture   products,   services   and   solutions   to supply    companies    of    all    sizes    and    segments.    We    are specialists   in   supplies   provision   and   apiculture   products manufacture   such   as   honey   and   propolis   sourced   from partner   suppliers,   accurately   selected   to   attend   to   our quality control policy.
Bee Propolis Brasil Ltda Rua Jair Miranda, 80 - Distrito Industrial - CEP 38900-000 - Bambu� - Minas Gerais - Brasil Atendimento: +55 (37) 3431-5550 - Departamento Comercial: +55 (37) 3431-5570 contato@beepropolisbrasil.ind.br
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From the R&D to the

product Delivery

We        offer        comprehensive formulation        services        and customized   packaging   adapted to      your      market,      strictly complying     to     the     Brazilian rules and technical standards.

Know Our Plant

The    Bee    Propolis    Brasil    plant presents     modern     infrastruc- ture,      complying      with      the standards     of     the     MAPA     - Ministry         of         Agriculture, Livestock and Supply.
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Quality Assurance in the

entire production process

Quality   Assurance   in   the   entire production         process         Bee Propolis        Brasil        develops standard   operating   procedures for    the    health    and    hygiene checks    across    all    production areas.