Product Origin Total Control The    production    traceability    is    an    important instrument to know the origin of products. This    global    trend    is    essential    to    assure    the maximum quality to all production. Through   the   procedures   and   documentation,   Bee Propolis    Brasil    allows    the    Clients    to    know    the entire   product   tracking   from   the   apiary   to   the final version. With      qualified      professionals      and      its      own laboratory,   the   quality   control   is   performed   under technical supervision in all stages of production. We also perform physico-chemical and organoleptic analysis to attest the products quality.
Bee Propolis Brasil Ltda Rua Jair Miranda, 80 - Distrito Industrial - CEP 38900-000 - Bambuí - Minas Gerais - Brasil Sales Department: +55 (37) 3431-5570 Unidade Industrial
Product Origin Total Control The    production    traceability    is    an important   instrument   to   know   the origin of products. This    global    trend    is    essential    to assure   the   maximum   quality   to   all production. Through    the    procedures    and    documentation,    Bee    Propolis    Brasil allows   the   Clients   to   know   the   entire   product   tracking   from   the apiary to the final version. With    qualified    professionals    and    its    own    laboratory,    the    quality control   is   performed   under   technical   supervision   in   all   stages   of production. We    also    perform    physico-chemical    and    organoleptic    analysis    to attest the products quality.
Bee Propolis Brasil Ltda Rua Jair Miranda, 80 - Distrito Industrial - CEP 38900-000 - Bambuí - Minas Gerais - Brasil Atendimento: +55 (37) 3431-5550 - Departamento Comercial: +55 (37) 3431-5570 Unidade Industrial