
Our mission is to develop bee products and added services with high quality standards, ensuring customer satisfaction worldwide.

To this end, Bee Propolis Brasil, a reference in the national and international market, offers products of bee origin (Honey, Propolis and derivatives), differentiated in optimized quantities to serve any market.

We carry out all management and control of the production chain and have the know-how the highest production technology and structure Supply Chain(purchases and suppliers) to meet with excellence and in a customized way all the demands of customers looking for a private label beekeeping product.

We maximize production efficiency and effectiveness, reducing costs, increasing product quality and reducing delivery time. A well-managed and designed manufacturing unit is essential for optimized and competitive production, which results in benefits for both the company and our end customer.

Therefore, we create and develop customized formulations to meet the most varied market conditions, valuing your brand through quality services and commitment to your results.

Inputs and Packaging

After defining the project and registering the products, we will begin production. The products will be manufactured and processed to the highest quality standard Bee Propolis Brasil, duly registered with the regulatory body.

We offer complete personalized formulation and packaging services adapted to your market, strictly complying with Brazilian technical regulations and regulations.

Bee Propolis Brasil favors and allows you to obtain inputs and packaging at more competitive prices, in addition to avoiding investments in equipment and technologies necessary to produce these items internally in your company.

We also facilitate the production of inputs and packaging with greater efficiency, as we are specialized and have greater expertise in more advanced technologies to produce beekeeping items and products.

Outsourcing your own brands with Bee Propolis Brasil allows your company to focus on other main activities, without worrying about the production of inputs and packaging, which can allow greater flexibility to meet market demands.

Expand your product line and expand your portfolio with the best that Bee Propolis Brasil has to offer.

Special Formulas

Bee Propolis Brasil, through its foods, develops special formulations on demand and also has a range of already established products to meet, with greater agility, the needs of the market in the beekeeping segment.

We have, in our portfolio:

  • Propolis Extracts;
  • Honey, in different weights and packaging;
  • Compound Sprays;
  • Kids Product Line;
  • Compound Honeys;
  • Syrups;
  • Sachet honey.

What are the advantages of special formulas, developed by Bee Propolis Brasil?

Market differentiation: inclusion of special formulas can be a way to differentiate the company in the market and stand out in relation to the competition.

This can lead to increased market share and increased customer loyalty.

Attracting new customers: with differentiated products, there is the possibility of attracting new customers who are looking for specific and differentiated products in the market, favoring the expansion of customers, increasing business opportunities;

Potential to increase profit margins: the inclusion of special formulas can allow the company to charge higher prices for products, as these products offer added value and are differentiated from others on the market.


Bee Propolis Brasil offers full support to its customers, providing accurate and quality information about the products we sell, thus helping our customers to ensure that their consumers buy suitable products and know how to use them correctly, providing them with the best experience possible. with bee products.

One of the main forms of support from Bee Propolis Brasil is specialized advice. This includes information about the different varieties of honey, propolis and derivatives, their flavors and uses, as well as advice on how to store and use these products. In addition, Bee Propolis Brasil has employees specialized in beekeeping available to answer questions and provide personalized recommendations based on each customer's needs.

We also provide marketing support, which means that Bee Propolis Brasil is fully in tune with its customers, studying and analyzing the beekeeping market through competitors, POS spaces and pricing strategy for products sold in the market. After the analysis, we met with the client and presented the scenario and its positioning in relation to other brands in its segment, favoring business perception and expansion.

Another aspect of support in which we also operate is through our digital presence, where we provide information about our products and services on our website and social networks, where our customers can easily find relevant information and communicate with us effectively.

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