Our Story

Our story originates from the passion for bees, beekeeping and the need to serve people, Always seeking to contribute to a better, more natural and healthy world through our products and services.

The story of Bee Propolis Brasil begins in 1982, when a boy of just ten years old discovered his passion for beekeeping. Despite his young age, he decided to dedicate himself to raising bees and producing honey. Over time, the passion turned into a profitable business.

In 1995, the young beekeeper decided to create a bee products company in partnership with his brother. With a lot of work and dedication, the company began to grow and win new customers. They invested in technology and research, creating new products and developing innovative techniques for the production of honey and green propolis.

In 1999, we exported our first propolis to Japan. It was an important milestone in our history, From then on we began to invest more and more in exports to expand our business. Since then, we have gained customers in more than 20 countries around the world and we still want more.

Currently, Bee Propolis Brasil is recognized for its quality and innovation in bee products, being a reference in the national and international market. Furthermore, we develop our own brand products for other companies, thus demonstrating our production capacity and excellence in quality.

Bee Propolis Brasil was born from this perception, of a segment to be served, making us stand out more every day in the Private Label market, specializing in the supply of inputs and the industrialization of bee products, thus becoming pioneers in the private label market in Brazil.

In short, our story demonstrates how entrepreneurship and passion for bees can lead to great achievements.

Our CEOs Cézar Ramos Júnior and Fernando Ramos had the vision of transforming their passion into a profitable and successful business, knowing how to take advantage of market opportunities, investing in technology and innovation to become a reference in the segment, bringing health and quality of life to the world through natural beekeeping products.


We met at birthplace of green propolis production in Brazil, in the municipality of Bambuí, located in the Serra da Canastra region, in the center-west of the state of Minas Gerais. This region has unique characteristics, providing us with especially rosemary, a plant that determines the quality of green propolis, which offers a wealth of medicinal properties

Nelson Henderson once said "The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit." We at Bee Propolis Brasil aim to go beyond the commercialization of bee products, we want to contribute to a better world, impacting people's lives with our products and services in a natural and healthy way, thus showing the importance of beekeeping, preservation of bees and the ecosystem as a whole. Therefore, we always seek to promote education and awareness actions about the importance of bees to the environment and food production.

Another aspect of extreme relevance for us is the appreciation of our beekeepers, since, they are an extension of our legacy to the world through their work to preserve beekeeping and produce beekeeping products. bees. In this way, we ensure that our beekeepers receive training and continuous improvement incentives, as they are a key part for the dissemination of our legacy.

With this, we aim to transcend what is simply conventional, making Bee Propolis Brasil and the importance of beekeeping for the world, contributing to the preservation of the environment and the promotion of a more conscious and responsible society.

Field care

Care for beekeepers and the environment is crucial for maintaining the production chain and for the success of Bee Propolis Brasil, especially in its local impact, income generation, employment opportunities, population health, ecosystem preservation; preservation of life.

Alack of basic resources that come from products and the field, can harm production and the guarantee of our entire business. For this reason, we encourage and foster relationships and activities with beekeepers, valuing each worker, highlighting each person who supports Bee Propolis Brasil.

To improve relationships with beekeepers and, consequently, positively impact the environment, We encourage bee production with measures aimed at improving working conditions and quality of life for these professionals.

We invest in training programs, good production practices, encourage regulation and registration of government bodies so that the beekeeper gains benefits and is supported in legal matters and we support the development of cooperatives and associations that allow the organization and strengthening of these local producers

Another important measure is to ensure fair remuneration for the products supplied, which reflects the value of the work performed and which can allow reinvestment in improvements in production and quality of life for these beekeepers. Furthermore, we adhere to sustainable practices in beekeeping production, such as the use of techniques and production of honey and propolis without the use of chemicals harmful to the health of beekeepers and our customers and consumers.

Bee Propolis Brasil considers beekeepers to be fundamental partners in the production chain and adopts measures that promote better working conditions, fair remuneration and incentives for the adoption of sustainable and professional practices. In this way, we strengthen the relationship between us and each of these beekeepers, promoting the production of healthy and sustainable food, contributing to the social and economic development of our country.


With a total area of ​​more than 7,000 m², the company has around 2,000 m² of modern physical structures designed to accommodate the entire production process efficiently, in addition to maintaining a continuous process of monitoring and innovating its processes. In recent years, Bee Propolis Brasil has been investing uninterruptedly in its infrastructure, equipment, new technologies and training and improvement of its team to better serve its customers, thus reinforcing the company's commitment to delivering excellence to its partners and future customers.

All these measures reflect our commitment to providing not only high quality products, but also to maintaining an infrastructure world-class technology that drives our mission of continuous innovation, customer satisfaction and positive contribution to the community and the environment. We are committed to building a strong and sustainable future, shaped by solid and technologically advanced infrastructure.


The QMS - Quality Management System is a set of policies, processes and procedures that a organization implemented to manage and improve the quality of its products or services.

Production traceability is an important tool, through procedures and documents, Bee Propolis Brasil allows customers to know the entire trajectory of their product, from the apiary to the final version. With its own laboratory and team qualified, quality control is carried out under technical supervision at all stages of production. We also carry out physical-chemical analyzes and organoleptic tests to certify the quality of all products.

There are several quality management systems, but the ISO 9001 is the most widely recognized standard and used throughout the world; including for us. The standard establishes requirements for a quality management system, mainly including: customer focus, leadership, process approach, continuous improvement, evidence-based decision making, relationship management.

In this way, the Bee Propolis Brasil adopts a systemic approach to manage its processes and improve the effectiveness of its operations, continually striving to improve the quality of its products and services. By implementing the QMS, we can also identify and reduce unnecessary costs, avoiding waste and inefficiencies in its processes, thus favoring a competitive market price in the moment of negotiation with your customers and partners.

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