
Privacy Policy

        A BEE PROPOLIS BRASIL LTDA, CNPJ 00.756.104/0001-20, with headquarters at Rua Jair Miranda, 80 - Distrito Industrial - Bambuí - MG, CEP 38.900-000, respects your privacy and the principles of personal data protection, in accordance with Law No. 13,709/2018 (General Data Protection Law – LGPD). This Privacy Policy aims to ensure that you, the holder of personal data, are aware of how BEE PROPOLIS BRASIL LTDA treats your personal data collected in person and digitally.
        A BEE PROPOLIS BRASIL LTDA reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time, aiming for its constant improvement. Therefore, it is very important that you access it frequently. In case of relevant changes, we will inform you.
This Policy was created on September 16, 2021. The Policy can be accessed at any time through the address: https://www.beepropolisbrasil.ind.br/en/politica-de-privacidade.php.
       Demonstrate absolute transparency regarding the subject and clarify to all interested parties about the types of data that are collected, the reasons for collection and the way in which users can manage or delete, in possible cases, their personal information.
        A BEE PROPOLIS BRASIL LTDA does not receive a resume in physical format, nor does it accept registration via email, or any other direct form of submission.
All open vacancies for the positions available will be allocated on the SÓLIDES platform, only CVs will be received through said platform, which can be found on the BEE PROPOLIS BRASIL LTDA website in the field “Work with us”, where after clicking there will be a forwarding to the electronic address of the SÓLIDES platform, specifically https://beepropolisbrasil.solides.jobs ” where registration must be carried out and all necessary requirements must be met, including the candidate must follow the data protection policy of that platform.
        A BEE PROPOLIS BRASIL LTDA will collect information including essential personal data to establish the employment relationship during the employment contract: complete data for employee registration with the company, use on e-social and any necessary legal registration, bank details for payment of salaries, union membership, data relating to health, such as occupational examinations, medical certificates, all in strict legal compliance with the contractual relationship, with the relationship in the free regular exercise of rights.
Some sensitive data will need to be collected, specifically to establish a certain practicality of the imposed employment relationship, such as biometric data: facial images, fingerprints. Such data has the specific purpose of access control and point.
All employees' personal data will be allocated to the SGA DELPHI business management system, where only operators have access to the data available there, with the SGA DELPHI platform itself being responsible for storing and protecting the data in accordance with its own data protection policy.
After the end of the employment contract: with the storage of information from former employees for labor and social security purposes and for making it available to public inspection bodies, the storage period for data relating to the employment relationship will be valid for their respective legal retention periods, the These data and their deadlines will systematically respect the legislation.
        The collection of personal data from suppliers and customers will only occur in specific cases, where the data necessary for identification will meet the registration form, to open a credit limit, issue an invoice, as well as data to make payment, constituting the legitimate interest of both the parties and compliance with the legal or regulatory obligation on the part of the company.
The elimination period will respect the legal provisions, taking into account the safety of both parties.
        The personal data of virtual visitors who access the BEE PROPOLIS BRASIL LTDA website will be collected through the “visitor registration” field, characterizing the insertion of data with free consent, such collection being carried out for possible negotiations, promotions, or something specific to the registration carried out.
Visitors who attend the physical space will have their data collected and stored for the period of one year of the visit, due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, where health-related data will also be included in the questionnaire for possible health inspections.
     Initially, both in digital and physical format, personal data is collected and processed to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation on the part of the company, and may also characterize a legitimate interest between the parties.
      Personal data collected by BEE PROPOLIS BRASIL LTDA is protected on its own servers or those contracted by it; using market methods and standards to encrypt collected data; having protection against unauthorized access to its systems; authorizing access by previously established people to the location where the collected information is stored; Those who access the information undertake to maintain confidentiality. Breach of confidentiality may result in civil liability and the person responsible may be held liable in accordance with Brazilian legislation; Access to personal information is restricted to employees and third parties who need to know that information to process it and who are subject to strict confidentiality obligations and may be prosecuted or dismissed if they fail to comply with such obligations.
       BEE PROPOLIS BRASIL LTDA may share your Personal Data with: Companies providing external accounting services, these companies being committed to complying with the obligations imposed by the LGPD; Outsourced business management, quality assurance companies, among others necessary for the smooth running of BEE PROPOLIS BRASIL LTDA, with all companies that maintain an adequate relationship, or in compliance, with general data protection legislation; Public bodies, supervisory agents, research companies, academic studies and others that are legally necessary.
         The personal data collected is stored for the period necessary to provide the service or fulfill the purposes set out in this document, in accordance with the provisions of article 15 of Law 13,709/18.
The data that can be removed or anonymized at the user's request are those strictly collected for promotional purposes and that do not have a contractual relationship of any kind with BEE PROPOLIS BRASIL LTDA, all others must respect the legal processing period for their elimination.
         BEE PROPOLIS BRASIL LTDA, as well as all accessory platforms, undertake to apply technical and organizational measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access and situations of destruction, loss, alteration, communication or dissemination of such data.
        For users of electronic media available by BEE PROPOLIS BRASIL LTDA, there will be communication, consent and presentation of texts of free interest through cookies.
Cookies refer to text files sent by the platform and saved on the user's computer through a web browser. These files store information related to website navigation, such as: access data, location, access time so that the platform server can read them later, in order to personalize the platform services or assist in diagnosing problems.
       As provided in article 18 of the LGPD, you have some rights regarding the data we process. When we receive your request, we may ask for some information to evaluate whether we can accommodate you or whether we need to deny your request. In any case, you will be duly informed within a reasonable time.
To exercise any of these rights, you can contact us via the email provided in the next item of this Policy.
        If you have any questions, comments or requests regarding your personal data, please contact our person in charge of processing personal data, identified below:
Person in charge: Helton Vicente Machado
Mailing address: Rua Getúlio Vargas 129, Center in the city of Bambuí, CEP: 38.900-00.
Contact email: heltonmachado.advogado@gmail.com

Bambuí-MG, December 1, 2021


© Bee Propolis Brasil. All rights reserved.